Monday, November 22, 2010

bob krist

yesterday, i had the honor of watching a work-in-progress video at the b&h event space by professional photographer bob krist.

he was giving a presentation about the need for professionals and aspiring professional photographers to master the skills of multimedia (slideshows, video, sound, etc.). after showing some of his slideshows for the paris, texas, tourist board and the pennsylvania ballet and answering lots of questions, he sheepishly offered to show 9 mins. of a video he's still working on. the video was about a dr. from america who goes to train african surgeons in senegal. the surgeons work under very rough (by western standards) conditions (power failures, dubious sanitation, etc.) to help women afflicted by an all-too-common and totally preventable condition connected to childbirth (intrauterine fistula (?) is the name, i think). for me, this was the high point of the whole presentation. mr. krist is obviously knowledgeable about multimedia, etc., but this video was extremely moving and, to my eye, ready and necessary to be seen. i look forward to seeing the finished product (which, unfortunately is not yet on his website). i'm tearing up just thinking about it.

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