Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lensbaby, baby! (Another Shooting STARS Shoot)

August_21__201108.jpg, originally uploaded by regi metcalf.
Had real run-and-gun experience shooting a couple of models on the Highline on the west side of Manhattan Sunday morning. After we started I realized that I wouldn't be able to take my time and get the kind of shots I had envisioned–the logistics were just too ad hoc: two shooters for every model and nobody to hold my diffuser/reflector. So rather than try to "compete" with the other photogs who I know had better gear and, probably, better technique than mine, I pulled out my Lensbaby. I figured this way, I was sure to get the kind of effect nobody else was going to get. And I was right.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot! Glad to see you're using Lensbaby to stand out from the crowd.
